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Sykes Picot Agreement Saudi Arabia

Faisal arrived in London on September 18 and the next day and on the 23rd he had long meetings with Lloyd George, who explained the Aide Mémoire and the British position. Lloyd George explained that he was “in the position of a man who had inherited two groups of commitments to King Hussein and the one to the French,” Faisal noted that the agreement “appeared to be based on the 1916 agreement between the British and the French.” Clemenceau, who responded regarding the Aide Mémoire, refused to sue Syria and said the case should be left to the French to speak directly to Faisal. Many sources claim that Sykes-Picot was in conflict with the Hussein McMahon correspondence of 1915-1916 and that the publication of the agreement in November 1917 caused the resignation of Sir Henry McMahon. [107] There were several differences, the most obvious being Iraq in the British Red Zone and less the idea that British and French advisers would have control of the area designated as being intended for an Arab state. Finally, while the correspondence did not mention Palestine, Haifa and Akkon should be British and the brown zone (a reduced Palestine) should be internationalized. [108] What was the main objective of the Sykes-Picot agreement? As a result of the Sazonov-Palaiologos Agreement, Russia, in addition to Constantinople and the Turkish Strait, already promised in the Constantinople Agreement of 1915, should also receive the Western Army. [8] In 1917, Italy grew in the Convention of Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne and obtained southern Anatolia. [8] The area of Palestine smaller than Palestine should be covered by an “international administration.” In the Middle East, few men today are pilloried as Sir Mark Sykes and François Georges-Picot. Sykes, a British diplomat, traveled to the same territory as T. E. Lawrence (of Arabia), served in the Buren War, inherited a Baronetcy, and won a Conservative seat in Parliament. He died young, at the age of thirty-nine, during the flu epidemic of 1919.

Picot was a French lawyer and diplomat who led a long but obscure life until his death in 1950, mainly in the Backwater posts. But the two men continue to live in the secret agreement they were to enter during World War I to divide the Ottoman Empire`s immense land mass into British and French spheres of influence. The Sykes-Picot agreement launched a nine-year process — and other agreements, declarations, and treaties — that created the modern states of the Middle East from the Ottoman carcass. In the end, the new borders bore little reass like the original Sykes-Picot map, but their map is still considered the main cause of much that has happened since then. CENGIZ TOMAR: Actually, Sykes-Picot is a symbol. It is the symbol of change in the Middle East. It is the symbol of the sovereignty of the great colonial powers in the Middle East. It is not an agreement in itself; It`s a collection of chords. Its symbolic significance is as follows: with it, the Middle East, dominated for centuries by the Ottoman Empire, enters a new phase.

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