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Blood Service Specific Nursing Enterprise Agreement Victoria

This Directive summarises the legal obligations and sets out guidelines for the provision, maintenance and use of information and communication technology resources and should be read in conjunction with employer-specific directives. This Directive contains guidelines for clause 65 of the VPS Agreement, which describes the employer`s main obligations and obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic) and the Agreement. . Portfolio agency agents working in the field of human resources or people and culture (or equivalent) should first contact their portfolio department for assistance in the application or interpretation of common policies. This Directive provides guidance on clause 38 of the VPS Agreement, which describes the circumstances in which the employer may influence a closure between the first working day after Christmas and the first working day following the New Year by facilitating leave schemes for workers. . This Directive provides guidance on Clause 15 of the VPS Agreement, which describes the categories of employment in which a worker may be employed and the obligations of employers to give preference to common forms of employment over casual and temporary agreements, where possible. This directive contains guidelines for clause 63 of the VPS Agreement, which specifies that an employee may request leave without pay (LWOP) for any purpose and that the employer may grant it on a case-by-case basis. . This Directive contains guidelines for clause 47 of the VPS Agreement, which describes the circumstances in which a staff member is allowed to be absent from the workplace due to unforeseen illness, injury or emergency, as well as the notification and supporting documents necessary to access that right.

. This Directive describes how workers may apply to their employer for an initial review of an employment-related measure which is of direct concern to them and which they consider to be incompatible with the Public Administration Act 2004 or employment standards. This directive provides guidance regarding clause 50 of the VPS Agreement, which describes an employee`s right to paid and/or unpaid compassionate leave in the event of illness or injury to a direct family or household member. Always read the common guidelines associated with the relevant provisions of the VPS Agreement. Common policies provide useful guidance for the interpretation and application of the VPS Convention, but they are not legally binding. The VPS agreement is the determining factor in an employee`s eligibility for a given claim. This Directive contains guidelines with regard to clause 48 of the VPS Agreement, which describes the range of employment support for workers who are victims of domestic violence, including access to a maximum of 20 days of paid leave. . . .

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